Caner 'Trooper' Kurt

Caner 'Trooper' Kurt

Hello Everyone. I'm Caner 'Trooper' Kurt. Welcome to my personal web site. I'm a software developer and writer hailing from the Republic of Türkiye. This site contains information about me and my work.

I met computers at a very young age thanks to the wonderful video games of the era. When I was a child I kept visiting my father's office to spend more time with his PC. Pretty soon I made up my mind to work with computers and after an impatient time with getting my own PC I started learning programming by myself with game scripting. Soon I started learning a high-level programming language and the language that I picked was Pascal. The first meaningful program that I developed after the "Hello World!" was a phone book application that was running on MS-DOS. After developing basic programs and being comfortable with software development I started learning Delphi and continued developing some more challenging programs such as an image viewer-convertor and some arcade game clones such as Tic-Tac-Toe, Tetris, Snake, Hangman on Windows Platform. After a while with the explosion of the games with 3D Graphics I felt myself like a hungry boy who was starving for some cool information. I decided to go further with 3D graphics and started learning C and finally C++ (since they are the industry standard programming languages used in Graphics Programming). C was very nice, simple and lightweight language with low-level programming capacity but after learning C++ I fell in love with it so I promised myself not to be away from it therefore I sticked to it and started learning Visual Studio, Windows API and DirectX. I developed a casual game which was a Breakout clone. Developing things like a basic renderer from scratch in native way with these technologies was very pleasurable. After developing a 3D Model Viewer named Ayızıt (name comes from the goddess of beauty from the ancient Turkish Mythology) which was able to render and animate a 3D Model composed of meshes with Skeleton Animation, I decided to learn OpenGL and gained some knowledge on it and liked it too and favored it because it was cross-platform and my childhood hero John Carmack advocates it! :). I added OpenGL rendering capacity to Ayızıt as an alternative to Direct3D. In the self-taught programmer's journey right from the start the area that he enjoyed the most was graphics & game programming.

I have solid educational and practical background on Software Development, Mathematics, Computer Graphics and Physics. My core skills and also the skills that I constantly do my best to improve are The C++ Programming Language, Graphics & Game Programming and Windows Application Development. As a software developer I have work experience with companies and as a freelancer. I started my own video game development company AnkA Interactive and currently working as the lead programmer, writer and actor on our games.

Other than work I mostly enjoy music, video games, movies, books and last but not least my undying passion Road Trippin'. You can reach me via e-mail any time you wish and also visit my blog for more stuff.

Until Next Time!